
Legal, Constitutional and Human Rights Violations of Smart Grid and Smart Meters

The below document shows how Energy Star appliances, sold to the public and Congress as using less energy, less carbon emissions and less utility bills, in most circumstances actually consume MORE energy than NON Energy Star appliances.  This is no accident.  This exception for Energy Star to be able to consume more energy than other appliances and still receive tax credits was actually LOBBIED for by Energy Star Manufacturers.

Smart Appliances and the Energy Star Hoax-1A

Smart grid and smart meters violate the Americans with Disabilities Act in numerous ways, severely impacting the lives of those effected.  Here is a quote from the below ADA document.

“The Board recognizes that multiple chemical sensitivities and 
electromagnetic sensitivities may be considered disabilities under the ADA if they so severely impair the neurological, respiratory or other functions of an individual that it substantially limits one or more of the individual’s major life activities.”


For some excellent videos on smart meters please go to our MEDIA page.

The roll out of new wireless technology and application is outpacing the ability to keep up and try and protect ourselves. With federal support through both finances and legislation, the wireless industry does have an obvious edge. It is only through awareness of the facts about the heath effects and people’s willingness to take actions to protect themselves will we have a chance to survive this new and “improved” onslaught of profit before people. “Smart is the new dumb!”

Click here for an awesome flyer to hand out to your neighbors.

This link is for CA only.  Please sign letter to PUC for analog meters, not wireless.

Northern CA woman arrested for trying to block installation of smart meters in her apartment.

Director of Stop Smart Meters arrested for trying to enforce the city ordinance of a ban on smart meters which is being ignored by PG&E
Click here for our awesome interview with Dr. Katherine Albrecht
Click here for Part 1 of our awesome May 25th, 2011 interview on The Power Hour With Joyce RIley.  Sophia Smallstorm starts us out.  She is also amazing.

Click here for Part 2 of our May 25th interview on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley

Click here for our June 22nd 2011 interview on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley

Click here for Prof. Olle Johansson’s interview on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley

EXCELLENT overview article on smart meters by Blake Levitt and Chelie Glendinning

Letter from Dr. Sam Milham about how smart meters create carcinogenic “dirty electricity” in our walls and your power can be TOTALLY TURNED OFF and you can still be affected just by having smart meters in your neighborhood.

Article, Opting Out of Edison

Smart Meter Over Billing

Smart Meter Handy Complaint/Smart Meter Refusal Contact Sheet

An Excellent, Factual and Technical Report by Cindy Sage on Smart Meters.

Article, Smart Meter Health Risks

More Great Links to Smart Meter Websites…

Prof. Daniel Hirsch, UCSC

PG&E’s Big Confession:

PGE-Cone-Head“PG&E says the average number of RF pulses for the electric meter would be about 10,000, per meter, per day and the maximum number over 190,000!”

November 3, 2011

In April of 2010 the EMF Safety Network filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) asking for hearings on health impacts, including “Smart” Meter radio frequency (RF) emissions data. We wrote:

“PG&E’s paltry, inconsistent and contradictory information on RF emissions from Smart Meters is unbelievable and at odds with other RF expert findings.  Several PG&E bulletins and spokespersons make varying claims on how often the Smart Meter electric meters transmit RF, anywhere from every hour to every 4 to 6 hours to 2% or 4% of the time.

We just wanted the facts, but the CPUC rubber stamped PG&E’s claims of RF safety and dismissed our application stating:

” All radio devices in PG&E’s Smart Meters are licensed or certified by the FCC and comply with all FCC requirements.”

“Smart Meters produce RF emissions far below the levels of many commonly used devices.”

PG&E provides information from Richard Tell Associates on their website titled, “Supplemental Report on An Analysis of Radiofrequency Fields Associated with Operation of the PG&E SmartMeter Program Upgrade System”  This report states Smart Meters transmit at 1 watt with 0 antennae gain. It claims:

The 1 watt transmitter is configured to transmit data approximately once every four hours back to the company so its duty cycle is very small (the actual data transmission duration during any four hour period will vary, however, depending on how often a particular meter transmitter acts as a repeater for other nearby meters).

From PG&E’s Smart Meter FAQ: SmartMeters™ utilize a low power (1 watt) wireless radio to send customer energy-usage information wirelessly to PG&E for data collection.….Do electric SmartMeters™ constantly emit RF? PG&E answers:

No. SmartMeters™ communicate intermittently, with each RF-signal typically lasting from 2 to 20 milliseconds. These intermittent signals total, on average, 45 seconds per day. For the other 23 hours and 59 minutes of the day, the meter is not transmitting any RF.

In a letter to Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, the FCC writes, “the devices [Smart Meters] normally transmit for less than one second a few times a day and consumers are normally tens of feet or more from the meter face…”

All right, enough with the false claims! Just give us some real facts!  Recently CPUC administrative law judge Amy Yip-Kikugawa ordered all investor owned utilities (IOU’s ) to answer Smart Meter radio frequency (RF) questions. PG&E’s answers are an astounding confession!  Question 2: How many times in total (average and maximum) is a smart meter scheduled to transmit during a 24-hour period?

confessionPG&E says the average number of RF pulses for the electric meter would be about 10,000, per meter, per day and the maximum number over 190,000.

90% of these pulses are for the mesh network maintenance (signals bouncing from homes) and only 6 pulses are for reading the meter data. This doesn’t include Home Area Network transmissions.

How about peak power figures?  The PG&E electric meter transmits at 900MHz with 1 watt of transmit power. It has an antennae gain 4.0 dBi for a peak level power of 2.5 watts.  That’s two and a half times more than their safety data stated.

The wireless gas meters transmit between 4 and 5 times a day at 132-794 mW.

Answers provided by San Diego Gas and Electric and So Cal Gas were similar, although PG&E electric meters appear to be five times stronger, just like Sage Associates found in their study.

Southern California Edison missed the deadline to provide answers to the CPUC , but they will be posted here once they do.

Smart Meter burns out all devices in house, will not pay for damages, blames customer…

Jerry Day breaks it down for us like no one else

Below is a MUST WATCH video.  Please watch all 8 minutes of it.


Smart Meter burns out all devices in house, will not pay for damages, blames customer…

Josh Hart initiates a “sit in” against PG@E for disobeying the law and installing smart meters in Capitola against the city councils orders. His reward for demanding PG@E obey the County Ordinance? Arrest.

Amy O’Hair blocks a truck from illegally installing smart meters in her area. Her reward for sticking up for public health and safety? Arrest.

Dr. David Carpenter, Dean University of Albany gives his professional opinion on smart meters

Rob States, electrical engineer gives a thorough presentation on the technical aspect of smart meters

Video of smart meter pulses over loading meter doing the measuring both in and outside the house

Get answers to all your questions on switching power supply mode with this excellent article Switching Power Supply Mode

Read the below scary article on how a smart meter can potentially burn your whole house down!!..Meter Arching

Excellent article on smart meters…Smart Meters Blake Levitt and Chellie Glendinning

AAEM Announcement on smart meters…

“Because smart meters produce Radiofrequency emissions, it is recommended that patients with the above conditions and disabilities be accommodated to protect their health.  The AAEM recommends: that no smart meters be on those patients homes, that smart meters be removed within a reasonable distance of patients homes depending on the patients perception and/or symptoms and that no collection meters be placed near patients homes depending on patients perception an/or symptoms.”

Click below for AAEM letter

AAEM EMFmedicalconditions-3

Santa Cruz Dept. of Public Health calls for opt outs and an immediate halt to smart meter roll out. Smart meters are 50 times more powerful than cell phones at 3 feet away and 450 more times powerful at 1 foot away if you use the inverse square mathematical law…Smart meters Santa Cruz Dept. Of Public Health

Legal, Constitutional and Human Rights Violations of Smart Grid and Smart Meters