
To make a tax deductible donation to the fullest extent of law  please click on the below button…


IRS 501c3 Non Profit letter

WE NO LONGER ACCEPT PAYPALWe have recently deleted Paypal from our website for obvious reasons, but in case you were unaware, Paypal has broken all trust with its clients and threatened to KEEP anything up to $2,000 if  your thoughts, opinions, words and actions did not align with theirs, they might not give you the money someone donated to your cause and would instead donate it to a cause they felt was more worthy, or possibly just keep the money themselves. Incredible but true, so we are moving on.  We appreciate, need and are grateful for your generous support, so please just use our above  donate link or you can send a check or money to the below address.  Thank you for understanding.

Peoples Initiative Foundation
101 S. Topanga Cyn. Blvd.
Topanga, CA 90290

Please note the IRS would not take the word “The” in front of our title and the bank wouldn’t open the account with the word “The” in front either, therefor, checks should be made out exactly as entitled above, People’s Initiative Foundation, with no “The” in front.  But always contact our website with the word the in front.  Otherwise you’re taken to a different organization!  Confusing and annoying, I know.  But what are you gonna do…argue with the IRS? We have accepted our fate with this one…for the moment.