The Birds & The Bees, The Flowers and The Trees
Please click on the below links to papers and articles on how cell tower and other wireless radiation harms insects, birds, bees, foliage, plants and trees…
Millions of bees die – are electromagnetic signals to blame
Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Produces Biochemical Changes in Worker Honey Bees
Non Thermal GSM RF and ELF EMF Effects Upon Rat BBB Permeability
Fruit Flies…Drosophila Oogenesis as a Bio-Marker responding to EMF Sources
Radiofrequency Radiation Injures Trees Around Mobile Phone Base Stations
Incredible photographs of what microwaved water does to plants
This is a study on plants…
The Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from the Skrunda Radio Location Station on Spirodela Polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden Cultures
Birds and Trees of Northern Greece: Changes Since the Advent of 4G Wireless
Video from Europe with Subtitles…
Unknown Tree Damage By Electromagnetic Radiation