Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tons of Important Pre-Holiday News

Hello All,

I hope you are having a wonderful pre-holiday.

It is still not too late to get an end of year tax write off by donating to our work through our 501c3. Any amount to cover our yearly expenses, primarily being a hefty insurance bill, this news letter and lots of educational materials is most appreciated.

Below is the past couple of weeks of news items that may not be appearing on the 6:00 news.


Christmas Special – The Mistletoe Drone

Still Smarting

Cellular Suckiness

Wonderful WIFI

Cell Towers Losing Power
Wireless Willies

Vegas Special


NSA Not Here to Stay?

Government Goonies
The Real “Citizens United”
Military Mis-Haps
“Sciement” – The Splicing of Science and Government
Science Schmience
Radiation Nation
Frick and Frack
Watering Down Life

Africa Urinates On Utility Modality
Food Fight
Toxic Soup
Animals, Who Needs ‘Em?
Weathering Down the Planet
Poetic Justice
Senior Citizens
Miscellaneous Misgivings
Fighting Corporate Take Over
Please Stop Using
Amazing Creature
Just For Fun

Christmas Special – The Mistletoe Drone

“Drones have been causing all sorts of paranoia lately and I wanted to reframe them from being something scary and ominous to being fun and human,”

The Mistletoe Drone

Still Smarting

Dr Laura Presley on Standing Up To Smart Meters

Deborah Taveris on The Power Hour Talks Smart Chips and Meters

United Water NJ Rolls Out “Safe Non Broadcasting Meters” That Over Load Measuring Devices, Tell Customers “No Opt Out!” – Vid from Resident Measuring Pulses

Dept. of Energy Gets Hacked

Con Edison Brings Smart Grid to Wall Street

Green Mountain Electric Company is Trying to Charge Vermont Smart Meter Opt Out Customers a Fee To Opt Out Even Though It is Illegal to Do So…Lawsuit Brewing Over This. Resident Justin Gamache Called the Senator from Vermont Who Passed the Only Free Opt Out Bill in the Country About This Issue and the Senator Called Him Back!! Below is the Audio from This Call…


Smart Meters Ring Alarm Bells In Australia


Main Force Behind Push for Global Smart Grid Maintaining Corporate Market Share

CAs New Privacy Law Covering Smart Meter Data to Take Effect 1-1-14


BC Freedom – Exposing the Fraud

Cellular Suckiness

Is Denmark Covering Up A Doubling Of Brain Cancer in Men?

Something Is Rotten In Denmark

Studies Show 4G Increases Radiation Exposure by 50% Google Translate

Hell On Wings – Cell Phones Don’t Belong On Planes

Dr. Oz, Cell Phones and Breast Cancer

The Perfect Solution for Obnoxiously Loud Cell Phone Calls

Senator Pushes for Controls on Cell Phone Tracking

Now we just need something to show us what the world would look like if we could see what the signals were doing to our bodies…in color.

What the World Would Look Like If We Could See Cell Phone Signals In Colo

Brain Cancer Diagnosed in 30 Minutes with New Test

Wonderful WIFI

Concern Student’s Fatal Brain Tumor Linked to WIFI in the Class Room

MITs WiTrack Can See Through Walls

Success in Fight Against WIFI in Israeli School Google Translate

WIFI Harmful to Health, NZ Gov. Urged to Listen

Starts at around 3:00 with WIFI Dangers Site Owner Conversation


Cell Towers Losing Power

Jury Awards Vermont Family $1 Million for Cell Tower destroying value of home

This was the Headline Last Year for the Vermont Family

India Has Toughest Cell Tower Radiation Laws

Hundreds Gather to Oppose Cell Towers


Study Puts Glare Back on Cell Tower Risks

Wireless Willies

Wireless Exposure Probably Causes Cancer

Extra Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Alter Cancer Cells Through Metabolic Restriction


Very informative vid


“The researchers also found that they could lower the incidence of cancerous cells by manipulating the electrical charge across cells’ membranes.”
“The news here is that we’ve established a bioelectric basis for the early detection of cancer,”

Bioelectric signals Can Be Used to Detect Early Cancers

Uh Oh…Police Get “Upgrade” for Radio System

Googles Future, Microphones in the Ceiling, Microchips In Your Head

“They want to smother the planet with Frequencies…They are using deceptive language and not telling the truth.” At around 9 minutes he shows color images of human hot spots.


To My Knowledge, Israel has Already Received their Smart Meter Roll Out. I believe this Cancer Cluster in the Classroom has to do with the Radiation Emissions from the Smart Meters as Opposed to what the Report Says.

Israeli Cancer Cluster Classroom Near Electricity Cabinet Google Translate

EWaste to Reach 65 Million Tons

Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields Through Computer and TV Monitors

This is an older study but it landed on my computer this week so I thought I’d share it with you…

German Ford Motor Company, The Effects of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System

I did not look into where their funding is coming from, so don’t know what their results will look like, but…

University Studies Association Between Parkinsons and EMF

DNA Scientist “Keep Kids Off Electromagnetic Waves

The Biometric scanning program was implemented without the parents permission or knowledge…

Parents Stop Biometric Hand Scanning Program at Public School


Vegas Special

You Are Being Monitored, Tracked and RF-ed to the Max when Frequenting Vegas Casinos…

New RFID Surveillance Systems Hit Vegas Casinos

Casino Chips Filled with RFID Chips
NORA Surveils Premises
Tracking Black JackRunning
Your Pic In Other Data Bases
Frequencies Picking Up On Frequencies
Software measures Speed of Roulette


NSA Not Here to Stay?

Judge Rules NSA Spying Program May be Unconstiutional

Now That Judge Deems NSA Spying Program Unconstitutional, Please Ask Obama to Grant Snowden Immunity

Alex Jones Fabulous Rant and Interview with Lawyer Who Just Beat NSA, Starts Around 15.35


NSA In a Graph

Government Goonies

Canadian Government Federal Agencies Spend Citizen Tax Money to Collude with US Anti Environmental Firm to Combat Activist Groups Like Greepeace

City to Evict Woman for Living Off Grid

Great Vid…
Former US Marine – President Obama Should be Tried For Treason

I guess this issue has been around for quite a while. Just now it’s times a thousand with wireless…

This is an Absolutely ENORMOUS and OLD list of EMF Struggles through the World.


Facebook and Google Are Buying Up the Cables that Carry the Internet

“they are building a system that will be used to monitor political demonstrations and identify individuals involved in protests”

The Real Purpose of Oakland’s Surveillance Center – Not Cutting Down On Crime, But Tracking Political Protestors

Although I question the 1 in 4 activist statement, this is an interesting news report.


The REAL “Citiizens United”

Icelanders Overthrow Government and Re-Write Constitution – No Word From US Media

Military Mis-Haps

51 Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan Suffer Thyroid Cancer, Leukemia, Brain Tumors, Testicular Cancer, Rectal Bleeding, After Participating in Fukushima Nuclear Rescue Efforts

“The California Coastal Commission also rejected the Navy’s five-year plan for exercises that would start in January off Southern California. However, the state agency does not have the power to block the drills, and the Navy has ignored the agency’s requested protections in the past.”

Navy Expands Sonar Testing Despite Risks to Whales and Dolphins

“Sciement” – The Splicing of Science and Government

Surprise, surprise…

Double Dipping – Univeristy Public Health Researcher Also Industry Shill

This vid is a few years old but very interesting and scary. There are scientifically manufactured microbes and insects released as experiments. Some think this may be what this is.


Science Schmience

Nobel Prize Winner Declares Boycott of top Science Journals


Another Great Vid
How Monsanto Silences Sciences

Radiation Nation

Under the new law, government employees who leak secret information could face up to 10 years in prison; journalists who solicit such information could get 5-year sentences. 29.jpg

Japan Adopts State Secrets Law

Navy Subcontractor Breaks Silence About Radiation on Treasure Island

Radiation Effects in US From Japan

Excellent article written by Nina Beety

The Fukushima Catastrophe and What You Can Do

Radioactive Spill in Australia Spurs Rage

Billion Dollar Plan to Bury Nuclear Waste in Ohio and Michigan

Urgent Call for International Help, Poses Health and Safety Risks to West Coast, Much Greater Contamination Likely…

CA Town Passes Fukushima Resolution

Frick and Frack

UK Fracking PR Speaks with Forked Tongue

Keystone Pipeline Loses Support from US Customer

Chevron Halts Romania Shale Work After Major Protest

Fracking Could be Allowed Under Homes in Britain Without Home Owners Knowledge

Half of Bottle Nose Dolphins Dead or Dying Due to BP Oil Spill

Watering Down Life

Ontario’s Grande River Loaded with Artificial Sweeteners

Environmental Group Sues Crematorium Over Health Impacts

Air Pollution in Europe Kills Even at Guideline Levels

Cancer Deaths Rise to 8.2 Million, Breast Cancer Up Sharply

Navy Subcontractor Breaks Silence About Radiation on Treasure Island

Gates and Zuckerberg Invest $100,000,000 in Broadband for Public Schools

Russia Dissolves State News Agency, Tightens Grip on Russian Media

Multi Drug Resistant Gene Released By Chinese Waste Water Treatment Plant

How Plastic is Contaminating Your Seafood

Africa Urinates On Utility Modality

Africa Experimenting with Electricity Powered by URINE

Article on Africa Experimenting with Urine power

Food Fight

China Imposes First Ever West Coast Shellfish Ban

“A single corn kernel coated with a neonicotinoid can kill a songbird,” Palmer said. “Even a tiny grain of wheat or canola treated with the oldest neonicotinoid – called imidacloprid – can fatally poison a bird. And as little as 1/10th of a neonicotinoid-coated corn seed per day during egg-laying season is all that is needed to affect reproduction.”

Russia Suggests War May be Necessary to Stop Monsanto

UN Food Program Blamed for Kidney Disease In Half a Million People in Shri Lanka

An Early Indicator of What is to Come…

Food Supplies Drop in Lake Huron

As Food Labels Get a Closer Look, Ingredients Vanish

China Believes America is Trying to Weaken them with GM Food…(They’re Right) Calling for a Ban

Avaaz Petition, Please Sign…
Stop the Monsanto Frankenseed Factory

Stomach Churning CDC Report on Food Safety

“…a Canadian firm has created a new GMO apple, using a new “gene silencing” technique that could interfere with the expression of genes in humans, even silencing vital human genes, potentially causing serious health problems.”
Stop Biotech’s Kiss of Death Apple

Toxic Soup

Mafia Toxic Waste Dumping Poisons Italy’s Farms



Heavy Metal Detox Program

“But perhaps most importantly, pollution was improving Chinese minds, CCTV’s journalist argued.”

Smog Makes You Funnier and Smarter

Animals – Who Needs ‘Em?

Maui’s Dolphins Headed for Extinction

Audubon Bird Count a Breeze – There Are None to Count

Dead Birds of Different Species Wash Up On Shore

The REAL Cost of Cheap Meat, Horrifying Vid – Please Consider Going Vegetarian
In the Belly of the Beast

Weathering Down the Planet

Chemtrail/Geoengineering Professor Speaks Out Vid with Documentation from Air Firce on Weather

Modification as A Weapon

Chemtrails/Geoengineering at Its Finest

Poetic Justice

Whistle Blowers Call to Action for Intel Employees

Kerr-McGee and Anadarko Found Liable for Uranium Mess, May Pay 5.1 Billion – 14.1 Billion in Damages to 22 States

Billion Dollar Victory Handed to Lead Paint Plaintiffs in CA

Senior Citizens

23 Seniors Die After Receiving This Years Flu Shot

The Response to Cutting Social Security for Seniors? EXPAND IT VID, Make Billionaires Contribute

Miscellaneous Misgivings

Flight Attendants Forced to Spray Insecticide Upon Landing in Australia Sue the Airline for Parkinsons and Brain Tumors Thought to be Connected with the Occupational Exposure

I did not have time to watch this whole film but I saw the beginning and looks very interesting
Flouridegate – A Flouride Film

Africa’s Vanishing Forests and Palm Oil

“But perhaps most importantly, pollution was improving Chinese minds, CCTV’s journalist argued.”

Smog Makes You Funnier and Smarter

Fighting Corporate Take Over

Google Bus Blocked by Protesters

Great Vid

Why Shopping Local Matters

Please Stop Using

Please Sign This Petition, But Please STOP Using as Your Petition Platform has a new policy new BAD POLICY of CHARGING YOU $ to promote your petition.
Please Sign This Petition to Drop Charges Against Undercover Animal Welfare Investigator Exposing Animal Abuse

28.jpg Please tell everyone you know to STOP USING has a new policy now of CHARGING YOU $ to promote your petition., Avaaz and many other free petitions do not charge to promote

your unpaid citizen advocacy work. Why support a company profiting at citizen advocacy volunteers expense?

Amazing Creature

From Prof. Olle Johansson

This incredible, beautiful, sweetheart is amazing, cute and hilarious. However, RF radiation would surely threaten this magnificent creatures critical survival ability to face the North.

Fox Hunting – The Fox Hunting

Just For Fun

NSA For the Holidays!

Vid – 2 Minutes of History

Special Thanks to Articles From: Environmental Health News, Microwave News, The Microwave Effect, Prof. Olle Johansson, Iris Atzmon, Deborah Taveris, Sue P, Steven Magee, Paul Doyon, Kathy King, Eric Windheim, Robert Reidlinger, Barb Payne, Judy Tweede, Laddie Lawdings,

Stop HR2685 Mandatory US Smart Grid

Congress and the White House need to her from us! They need to know that the United States citizens are on to the “Smart Scheme” and we are not liking it.

Good ways of getting through to Congress are letters, faxes, petitions, phone calls, but emails are last on the list.